Croatian Gas Center Ltd. and Croatian Gas Association, member of the International Gas Union (IGU), are inviting you to present scientific and professional paper or technical-commercial paper and thereby contribute to the success of the 39th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC & EXPERT MEETING OF GAS PROFESSIONALS, which will be held traditionally from 8th to 10th of May, 2024 in the Congress Centre of the Grand Hotel Adriatic, in Opatija, Croatia.
The leading international conference and exhibition in Southeast Europe
dedicated to natural gas, LNG and low-carbon solutions
Developments in the Natural Gas Market and Future Expectations on the Path to a Reliable and Low-Carbon Energy System
- Security of supply and geopolitics: managing demand in volatile times
- Rebalancing of CSEE gas markets – moving from crisis management to long-term solutions
- The impact of market volatility on the number of players in the gas and LNG business
- The impact of alternative supply routes on global energy prices
- Market dynamics and macrotrends
- Crucial Role of Gas in the Energy Transition: Renewable Gases and Low-Carbon Gases as Key Complements to Renewables
- Technical advances and market solutions for the production of renewable methane (biogas, biomethane, hydrogen and synthetic natural gas)
- Incorporating new fuels into gas grids and the impact of renewable methane on the gas infrastructure
- Optimisation and purification approaches to facilitate gas injection and mitigate risk
- Views of equipment manufacturers on the role of gas technologies in a low-carbon society
New Gas Exploration and Production and Infrastructure Development Projects for Ensuring Security and Sustainability
- Improvements in natural gas production, particularly in reducing the environmental footprint
- Natural gas exploration and international cooperation in Europe
- Potential of East Mediterranean gas and LNG developments
- New pipelines and interconnectors, LNG terminals and compressor stations
- New gas storage facilities and technology advances
- Integrating renewable and low-carbon gases to achieve sector coupling and security of supply
- How to secure investments in the gas infrastructure?
- Gas Industry Innovation By Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Investing in the Next Generation of Energy Leaders
- Initiatives that gas companies should develop to create a diverse and inclusive workplace
- Diversification in energy-related education can help solve energy and environmental challenges
- New skills, training programmes and approaches to attract, motivate, manage and retain future energy leaders
- Diverse teams consisting of upskilled current employees and millennial talent to help embrace innovative thinking and find new solutions
- Decarbonising the Gas Value Chain: Reduction of Methane Emissions and the Application of CCUS in the Gas Industry
- EU emissions trading system and EU Methane strategy
- Quantification of methane emissions, data management and reporting
- Responsibly sourced gas certification
- Carbon market, European regulation and its impact on the gas industry
- Carbon capture, utilisation and storage technologies and applications
- Developing carbon capture projects
- Commercialising carbon capture solutions
- Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG), as well as financing future hydrocarbon projects
- Current Status and Perspectives for LNG Development and Expanding LNG Use in Europe
- LNG production, liquefaction, transportation, storage and regasification technologies
- LNG trading: long-term contracts versus spot
- LNG Supply dynamics
- LNG commercial and contracting strategies
- Future prospects for LNG supply and demand
- Small-scale and micro-scale LNG: applications, infrastructure, technology and market developments in Europe
- Transition-ready LNG – LNG terminals as potential green hydrogen hubs
- Digital Transformation of the Gas and Energy Industry in the Era of Decarbonization
- Digital transformation strategies in the gas industry
- Cloud computing, augmented and virtual reality, drones
- Digital twins
- Smart gas meters, smart grids and smart cities
- Artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and hybrid intelligent systems
- Internet of Things (IoT) network
- Blockchain technologies
- Cybersecurity implications of digital operations
Natural Gas and Renewable Gases as Sustainable Transportation Fuels
- Availability and regulations for integrating and incentivising production of alternative fuels (LPG, LNG, CNG, biomethane, hydrogen)
- Projects involving CNG, LNG, LPG, biomethane and hydrogen-powered transport
- Innovations in natural gas used as a transportation fuel
- 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships
- Decarbonising shipping through the use of LNG and hydrogen
- LNG bunkering
- The life cycle of bio LNG and alternative fuels and their impact on the market
- Use of liquefied synthetic methane (LSM) as a sustainable fuel for heavy transport
- Developing the Hydrogen Economy: Challenges and Actions Needed to Scale Hydrogen
- EU hydrogen policy
- Regulation and current outlook for the hydrogen market
- Hydrogen technologies, investments and infrastructure
- Challenges and opportunities in the production and deployment of grey, blue and green hydrogen
- Hydrogen transportation, shipping and storage
- Hydrogen markets – cross-industry and cross-border partnerships and case studies
- H2 Mediterranean pipeline project
- Improvements in the Gas Transport, Distribution and Storage Systems for Increased Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability
- Case studies showing improvements in the efficiency of gas transport, distribution, storage and utilisation
- Practices and methods for ecologically responsible construction of gas pipelines and reduction of methane emissions
- Gas pipeline maintenance and pipeline integrity management
- Innovations in gas transmission networks to minimise gas prices, optimise the safety of supply and boost the flexibility of energy markets
- Innovative technologies in storing gas and the application of such technologies
- Gas measurement innovations for volumes, energy content and constituents
- Gas quality and the switch from natural gas to hydrogen
- Legislation, Technical Regulations, Rules of the Profession and Consumer Rights in the Gas and Energy sector
- European Union Methane Action Plan
- Legislative proposal to reduce methane emissions in the energy sector
- New Energy Efficiency Directive
- RED II (hydrogen and gas market decarbonisation package)
- Latest developments in the technical regulations and rules for the gas profession
- Legal issues related to privacy, consumer protection and cyber security in the use of digital technologies
- Poster Session: “Issues Related to the Gas and Energy Industry”
Paper registration is possible by submitting abstract and keywords via the online paper registration form.
- As an author of the Scientific and Professional Paper (oral presentation)
- As an author of the Scientific and Professional Paper (poster session)
- As an Author of the Round table (technical-commercial presentation)
All authors and co-authors are obliged to pay the registration fee in the amount of 587,50 € (VAT incl.).
If the Paper is focused on commercial or promotional issues it will be directed to Round table presentation (technical-commercial presentation) which is charged by a special price.
Involvement of specific topic in the final program, as well as the sequence of the topics, will depend on the quality and number of accepted papers.
Selection of Papers will be based on a review of summaries by a special Croatian Gas Association Working group.
Title and abstract submission: 15th of February 2024
Notification to authors about acceptance of the abstract: 25th of February 2024
Final Paper and author᾽s photo submission: 12th of March 2024
Notification to authors about acceptance of papers after review: 10th of April 2024
Paper presentation submission: 19th of April 2024